
Bird gardening - plants that are great for your birds

Birdman Dad Season 6 Episode 7

There is great nutrition, enrichment and usefulness is all sorts of plants for aviary, companion, rescue and zoo living birds - in fact so many plants are so good for every bird's health and general wellbeing.  But sadly many bird owners are unsure of, or unaware, of the plant treasure trove in their very own gardens.
Many bird owners are unsure which plants are "safe" and which ones are going to make their birds sick.
So hopefully today's episode can help you out!
While Birdman Dad is away working his "real job" the crew have stepped in to chat about what plants they grow in their garden and in their aviaries, that are not only good for their birds to eat, but also provide much needed enrichment and mental stimulation as well as being useful nesting and protection materials.

Remember the BirdCast competition is still on!  Get your entries in to win Dr Dan Klem's book - signed and with a personal message.

Due to very important birthday celebrations BirdCast will take a short break and be back on FRIDAY August 5!

For either of the 2 booklets mentioned contact The Avicultural Society of South Australia (Inc):
"What seeding grass is that? The birdkeepers' pictorial guide to seeding grasses"

"Is it safe? The birdkeepers' pictorial guide to safe and poisonous plants"