
Famous for all the wrong reasons

Birdman Dad Season 5 Episode 1

Welcome back to BirdCast after our covid19 break!
We launch off today with a Citizen Science Project.. the hunt for the black throated finch  (Poephila cincta) (southern subspecies).. in northern New South Wales and southern Queensland.

Poephila cincta became famous back a few years ago  over the planned (now approved) coal  mining operations in the Galilee Basin in Queensland. The Galilee basin holds rich coal deposits, has multiple mining areas owned by various companies/organisation some headed by very well known people and is also one of the last Queensland refuges of the Poephila cincta :( .  A people power movement was started to stop the coal mine development, amongst which was the "Black Finch Project" instigated by Melbournite creative, Charlotte Watson.

Despite the massive street protests and the many and varied personal protest held under  #stopadani the mine is proceeding.

 Due to the significant expected impact on this finch, the black throated finch became the banner for the #stopadani movement.

Voted Australian Bird of the Year in 2019 in the Guardian newspaper's poll was still not enough to change the minds of those who approved the Adani/Carmichael coal mine.

Poephila cincta did not only live in Queensland .. it was also known to live in northern New South Wales and southern Queensland.
It was however declared EXTINCT in New South Wales in 2016.
Spurred on by the rediscoveries of the night parrot over Australia, and the impending black throated finch doom in the Galilee Basin, a collaboration between  3 organisations : Australian Society for Avian Preservation (ASAP), EnviroKey, and the Finch Society of Australia has emerged in these Covid times and the hunt for the black throated finch - southern species - is ON  AND  the team needs your help!

Today's episode is all about the hunt for the black throated finch.